
Hi, I'm Jenna...

I'm a Human Design Expert, Breathwork & Meditation Facilitator, Reiki Practitioner, and Self Awareness & Transformation Guide. I have a strong passion for guiding Soul aligned people to a new way of living in limitless possibilities.⁣ What does this mean? ⁣ It means you get to create life on YOUR terms, find your true purpose, and spend your days in a reality that makes you feel all sorts of F*CK YESSS.⁣ ⁣And I get to guide you there.⁣ Using my Human Design gifts of intuition, space holding, nurturing, and compassion along with the tools and modalities that helped ME to create such epic shifts in MY life; together we will walk that space between who you once were and who you 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘉𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘔𝘐𝘕𝘎.⁣ Let's journey together... I love you. And I'm here to help YOU love you too. xo, Jenna 5/1 Splenic Projector

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Does creating content feel like pulling teeth?

Hey SoulFull CEO, Be honest with me - does creating content feel like you’re trying to pull teeth… without anesthesia? You sit down to write, ready to be the content queen you were born to be, and instead? You’re staring at a blinking cursor like it holds the secret to the universe. You’re trying to show up consistently, putting yourself out there day after day. But it feels forced, exhausting, and like no one’s really tuning in anyway. (It’s like shouting into a void, and even the void is...

Hey Reader, Let’s be real... There’s nothing more frustrating than pouring your heart into a post or piece of content, hitting publish, and...crickets. It’s like standing in the middle of a crowded room, shouting at the top of your lungs, and not a single person looks your way. You’ve got SO much to say, but it’s getting lost in the chaos of online noise. Sound familiar? You’re showing up, putting in the work, but it feels like your message is stuck on mute. And with every scroll and swipe,...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Hey SoulFull CEO, Let me paint you a little picture… You’ve got a mile-long to-do list, and instead of tackling it like the boss you are, you’re stuck in decision-making limbo. Should you focus on content creation or launch that new offer? Do you hire the VA or figure it out yourself? Should you tweak that pricing (again) or leave it as is? It’s like trying to choose between a thousand shades of beige - none of it feels right. Meanwhile, you’ve got...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Hey SoulFull CEO, Let’s get real for a minute... How many times have you found yourself staring at your to-do list, wondering where the heck to even start? You’re passionate, you’re driven, but sometimes, it feels like you’re just throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks. I’ve been there too, and let me tell you - guessing your way through business is exhausting. The constant second-guessing, the endless pivoting, the WTF am I even...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Hey SoulFull CEO, Let me ask you something... Are you truly aligned with your purpose, or are you just going through the motions? I see it all the time - amazing entrepreneurs like you, full of passion and potential, but somewhere along the way, you start feeling… STUCK. It’s like you’re running your business on autopilot, but something feels off. You’re doing all the things you should be doing, yet there’s this nagging sense that you’re not fully...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Hey SoulFull CEO, Let me guess—you’ve got your morning coffee in hand (maybe it’s your second or third cup, no judgment here), and your to-do list is long enough to stretch from your desk to the moon. You’re juggling a million things at once: emails, social media posts, client follow-ups, brainstorming new offers… the list goes on. But as the day flies by and you finally get a chance to breathe, you’re left wondering: What did I actually get done...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Hey Soul Fam… I have BIG news you may not have heard yet… It’s The Summer Of SOUL!!! “But Jenna”, you say, “what in the fresh h-e-double-hockeysticks are you talking about?” You guys… I’m hosting a massive month long event called The Summer Of Soul, and here’s what it’s all about: It’s all about ME, dedicating the month of July (and beyond) to show up and serve all of you amazing soul-led entrepreneurs in the way I know best…providing the most...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie I was chatting with a trusted soul sister entrepreneur about my business - how I was feeling so stuck, paralyzed with nothing to say, a total resistance to even showing up, and allllllll the ways it was just feeling so off... Up until that moment I could not put my finger on just what was holding me back - but as I was talking it all out it hit me like a baby grand piano falling out of the sky (as most ah-ha moments tend to do)... I could no longer...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Ah time. The curse of every online business owner. We want to get so much done, but we can’t ever seem to find the time to do it all. And having the energy to "do it all"...forget it. Being an online business owner is filled with a million and one tasks...checking off the boxes one by one and where does it lead us? Feeling unfulfilled, disconnected, uninspired, and pressed for time... We started this business to feel that tingle of excitement, to...

SoulFull Business Broadcast with Jenna Marie Reader - when you hear the word launch does it make you sick to your stomach? If you're anything like me (and soooo many other entrepreneurs) you literally have a bodily response to even thinking about a launch...and not in a good way. For me it was a feeling of stress mixed with anxiety mixed with exhaustion...and everytime the word came up I wanted to run to bed and hide under the blankets. But for so many businesses Launching is one of the best...